Yesterday while travelling I saw a girl carrying a young boy over her back. She was carrying him for some time and then letting him down, again after around 5-10 seconds she would carry him. She might definitely be his elder sister, I could make out from the way the boy was clinging' on her back.
This moment was so special & pure. I could see such joy in both of their eyes, they were probably going to the shop nearby. When they reached the shop boy bought a packet of chips and both were having it one by one smiling, giggling, and enjoying the moment.
It was such a small and tiny moment but both were so happy. Their giggles and smiles definitely put a smile on my face.
And the entire way while coming back I was thinking. What if that young boy would have thought
"ohh I am such a pain, because of my injury my sister had to carry me, I am such a nuisance,
oh lord, I may be eating her valuable study time,
she could have done some important work instead of wasting time on me,
If I wasn't injured we could have gone faster,
what if she thinks I am just doing a drama"
I am sure none of these thoughts might be there in his mind because he was so submissive and allowed his sister to do whatever she had to and at the same time I could see him valuing her efforts of carrying him.
Or what if that elder sister would have thought
"What if he doesn't like the way I carry him,
God Why only I have to carry him why not someone else someone else,
Am I doing it right? by letting him down for some time"
Again I am sure his sister never thought of all of this
Whenever his sister let him down he would come down, and when his sister was ready he would hop on her back. I could clearly see in her eyes she wanted to make all those sacrifices for her little brother, She did not have any ego about carrying him, she had compassion, she had a lot of love and she had lot of care for him,
Although the boy was weak he was not that vulnerable, and he allowed her to relax, although sister was willing to carry him she knew her boundaries and her strength, and at every point when she was not able to she let him down making her love and care win over her ego.
If I compare myself with that elder sister
I had so much to learn here, old me would have run with my life even though it was painful, even though I had less energy, even though the load was heavy. I would refuse to let that load be aside even for a minute, But the new me now understands it has to be kept aside in order to gain the energy back,
If I compare myself with that little brother
The old me would be scared of being submissive, thinking it might be painful for them without even understanding the love and care my older ones were offering me,
In fact, I would have started walking with that injured leg showing off that I was strong enough to walk even though I was in pain putting my ego ahead
but the new me is just submissive,
A giver in society needs to be one with a lot of empathy, compassion, and love same way a taker needs to be submissive and with the intent of helping someone when they are in similar need.
Just grateful for all the learning life has given me
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